Two accidents, lots of generous people, and countless miracles – Robin Patchen

Two accidents, lots of generous people, and countless miracles

In the early morning hours of Friday, July 13, my 19-year-old daughter fell down a flight of stairs and landed on the concrete walkway outside a friend’s apartment building. Lexi could have hit her head and suffered a traumatic brain injury. She could have broken her back. She could have broken her neck.

By the grace of God, Lexi didn’t suffer any life-altering injuries. She did, however, crush both wrists and fracture her sternum. She left the ER later that morning with a cast on both arms and an appointment with an orthopedist to discuss surgery.

Three days later at 9:30 PM on Monday, July 16, I received a phone call from my sister, Jennifer. My 16-year-old son, Jacob, had been visiting her family in Utah. He and his 15-year-old cousin Joshua had gone camping at Lake Powell the day before. “Robin.” The way my sister said my name, I knew something was wrong. “The boys have been in a terrible accident. They’re being life-flighted to Salt Lake City. That’s all I know.”

My knees hit the kitchen floor. Then my torso. Then my face. If I could have gone lower, I would have. It was the strangest and, at the same time, most natural reaction. Humility in the face of powerlessness, of great need.

My husband, Eddie, and Lexi stood over me. I told them what Jennifer had said. I don’t think I was particularly kind. I didn’t know how to communicate anything at that moment. I started emailing and texting friends and family, begging for prayer

An hour later, when I couldn’t wait any longer, I called Jennifer. She apologized and told me her son, Joshua, had been taken from the trauma room to get a CT scan. “They’re still working on Jacob. He’s alive. That’s all I know.” I got a bit of an update on my nephew’s condition, and then my sister said she’d need to call me back.

Seems like an eternity went by while I waited. And then she called to tell me Jacob had been having trouble breathing, so the trauma doctors intubated him. He was sedated and breathing with the help of a machine.

He was stable.

The next morning, my husband and I flew to Salt Lake City. My brother-in-law, Darryll, met us at the airport and, on the drive to the hospital, told us all he knew. Part of the story they hadn’t shared before that moment. At about 3:00 AM, Jacob’s blood pressure had dropped. With Darryll’s permission, the doctors inserted an arterial line to get a better reading, hoping the reading the cuff was giving them wasn’t accurate. Unfortunately, it was. His blood pressure was alarmingly low. The doctors gave him fluids, and eventually, his blood pressure climbed again. Based on the emotion in Darryll’s voice as he related the story, it was a scary moment, a little too close to death.

Approximately fourteen hours after that first phone call, Eddie and I rushed into the pediatric ICU at Primary Children’s Hospital, where we finally saw our son. He had a tube down his throat, another in his chest, a brace on his neck, stitches on his chin, and a giant plaster cast on his arm. He was sedated. But he was alive. I’ve never known such relief and such fear, all in the same moment.

The details came slowly over the next few days. The boys had been traveling a lonely stretch of highway about ten miles outside of Vernon, Utah, way out in the desert. My son was driving. He doesn’t remember the accident, but he does remember being very tired. The police investigator told us the road turned slightly to the left, but Jacob continued straight and veered toward the shoulder. My nephew remembers saying, “Heads up.” Jacob realized what he was doing and jerked the wheel to the left too fast.

The car slid along the highway sideways, turning until the boys were nearly facing the wrong direction. Then the wheels went off the far side of the road, and the car flipped. The investigator told us it flipped at least three times side over side, then somehow shifted and flipped at least three more times end over end. It landed on its side. My son’s left arm must have flown out the broken window, because the car landed on it.

The people who’d been traveling behind them pulled over and rushed to the scene. In that car were a former army medic and a nurse—one of countless miracles that kept the boys alive. Others stopped as well. This lonely stretch of road was suddenly filled with kind strangers. They pulled Joshua from the car, then lifted it off Jacob's arm before pulling him out.

Someone called 9-1-1. No police officers or paramedics were present yet—the closest cop was 40 miles away when the accident happened. The 9-1-1 operator immediately sent the helicopters.

Joshua was awake and aware of what had happened. He listened to Jacob scream and worried his cousin wouldn’t survive. Joshua was able to tell another stranger his mom’s phone number. He remembers most of the incident, which I fear is more of a curse than a blessing.

Jacob remembers snippets. He remembers waking up surrounded by people. He remembers coughing up lots of blood. He remembers moments of the helicopter ride.

He remembers he couldn’t breathe. He remembers the pain when they put the tube down his throat. Then, they sedated him, and he doesn’t remember anything else for a couple of days.

When the car landed on his arm, it broke his wrist and thumb. That was the least of our worries. He cracked three ribs. One, or maybe all, of those ribs punctured his lungs, both of which were badly bruised. At first, the right lung looked worse, but within a couple of days, the left lung had collapsed and folded in on itself. Even with chest tubes and the brilliant work of the doctors and nurses, it was five days before they could extubate him. And when they did, he immediately went on BiPAP to continue to aid his breathing. He was in ICU for a week. Altogether, he was hospitalized for ten days. Then, he recuperated at my sister’s house for four more days before he was able to fly home to Oklahoma. He is still recuperating, still dealing with pain from the cracked ribs and bruised lungs and broken wrist and thumb.

Joshua suffered a bad concussion, cracked vertebrae, contusions to his lungs, and massive trauma to his abdomen. He was released from the hospital after six days. Unfortunately, the pain in his belly didn’t get better. In fact, it may have gotten worse. Three weeks after the accident, he underwent surgery to remove a portion of his small intestines. He is now recuperating in the hospital after that procedure. On top of that, he continues to deal with pain in his back, headaches, nightmares, and issues related to the concussion.

If not for the quick-thinking and actions of the kind strangers who stopped that night, the boys could have died. If not for the paramedics and helicopter pilot, they could have died. If not for the excellent care of the trauma and ICU nurses and doctors at Primary Children’s, they could have died. By the grace of God, they both survived.

Meanwhile back in Oklahoma, Lexi had surgery on July 24. Three weeks after her fall, she’s gotten one cast off but needs to have surgery on the other wrist because it’s not healing properly.

Thank God for my mother, who took care of Lexi and managed her surgery and recovery when Eddie and I couldn't. Thank God for her friends, who helped take care of her.

Thank God for our friends, neighbors, and family, who brought food and mowed our lawn and called us and prayed for us.

Thank God for my clients, who were so understanding when they learned their editing projects would likely not be returned on time.

Thank God for the lovely people who visited us in the hospital, old friends from New Hampshire who live in Salt Lake, people from Capital Church, where Jennifer and her family worship, Joshua’s friends, and people from my brother-in-law’s work. They brought gifts and food. They brought prayers and mercy and love.

Thank God for the Ronald McDonald House, which gave us a room in their nearby facility and fed us so many meals and made it so the trip didn’t break us financially.

Thank God for Delta Airlines, which gave us a discount on our airfare and made our tickets fully refundable. And when I called to see if my non-transferrable ticket could be transferred into my son’s name, they transferred it without any trouble whatsoever.

Thank God for Jennifer and Darryll, who took turns staying by Jacob’s side until we arrived, even though their own son was awake and in critical condition in the room next door. Thank God for their kindness and grace and generosity throughout the entire ordeal. Thank God for young Isabelle and Katherine, Joshua’s little sisters, who were so sweet and gentle and kind and patient throughout the boys’ hospital stay. They made us smile and offered us a little sunshine in those dark and scary days in the hospital.

Thank God for my husband, who was patient and steady and, frankly, amazing through it all.

July was a heck of a month for our family, and August is continuing the craziness. A missed step could have cost our daughter her mind, her mobility, or her life. A moment of sleepiness could have cost our son and our nephew their lives. But God protected all three of them.

God didn’t cause Lexi to lose her balance. He cushioned her fall and protected her.

God didn’t cause Jacob to overcorrect that day. He provided the medic, the nurse, the other passers-by, and the amazing people who saved his life and the life of his cousin. He kept the fishing hooks—which had flown all over the car—out of our boys’ skin and eyes. He kept the firewood stacked in the backseat from doing too much damage. He kept the 80-pound jack in the rear of the Land Rover from whacking either of them in the head and killing them. God’s work was amazing. Even the police officer who investigated the scene was stunned and shocked they both survived. “This is a story I’ll be sharing a lot in the future,” he said.

There were so many lessons, more than I can begin to list in one blog post. Maybe I’ll write about them all someday. Right now, I just want to say: to my husband, to Jennifer and Darryll and Joshua and Isabelle and Katherine, to my mother, to my friends and family, to the strangers who stopped to help, to the doctors and nurses and therapist, and to everyone who took a moment out of their busy lives to lift up our kids in prayer: thank you.

There are simply no words to express my gratitude.

Lori says August 9, 2018

What a beautiful testimony of God’s faithfulness in so many ways. Thank you for sharing. I remember seeing your post asking people to pray and I remember praying as you asked. So thankful to read the full story and hearing the news. Praise God!!! 🙏💜 says August 10, 2018

    Thank you, Lori, for your prayers!

Mel Hughes says August 9, 2018

Wow. God is great! So many miracles in such short spaces of time. We truly serve an awesome God. I’m so glad to hear your son, daughter, and nephew are recovering. says August 10, 2018

    He is awesome indeed!

Ruth Collins says August 9, 2018

“Our God is so big, so strong and so mighty there’s nothing our God cannot do” and He did. Thanks be to God for His grace in caring for Lexi and Jacob and Joshua and for giving you and Ed the strength to parent through the accidents and trauma following. says August 10, 2018

    He showed Himself true to His nature in our lives. You’re right. It wasn’t just all the miracles the kept the kids alive. It was the ways he enabled us–my husband, my sister, her husband, and me–to manage the situation with grace and love.

Deb Gardner Allard says August 9, 2018

What an amazing story of how God watched over your family. I prayed for days once I saw your request on FB, but I didn’t know what had happened. Our God is an awesome, mighty God. says August 10, 2018

    Thank you for praying, Deb. It’s been quite a journey.

Robin E. Mason says August 9, 2018

nope, no words. just another mother’s heart rejoicing and weeping – in joy at Father’s tender care and miraculous provision, and in horror at what you’ve endured. love and prayers my friend says August 10, 2018

    Thank you, Robin. Those first 13 hours were horrible, but once we knew he was going to be all right, it was all right. Any complaint felt ridiculous when compared with the fact that they were alive!

Carolyn Astfalk says August 9, 2018

Just looking at the vehicle, it seems that nothing but the hand of God could have saved them. What a moving story of faith and survival. Continued prayers for everyone’s recovery! says August 10, 2018

    Yes, nothing but the hand of God. No doubt about it.

Patti H says August 9, 2018

Oh my heart is filled with thanksgiving. Days filled with countless little blessings and days filled with giant, life changing ones too. says August 10, 2018

    Exactly. And sometimes, the stories don’t turn out so well, but somehow, even that is a reflection of God’s blessings.

Sandy Arnold says August 9, 2018

Even in the midst of life’s trials, God showed up…in big ways. There is a family in another church whose daughter was hit by a car last year while walking their dog, which she rarely did. She died a couple of times but God was there in the midst. A close neighbor they had never met was coming home from work…a doctor who treated her immediately. This young woman spent weeks in the hospital, in ICU, but God never left. She still deals with some lung issues, but has made a miraculous recovery. All glory to God! Continuing in prayer for all 3. says August 10, 2018

    Praise God for that doctor who “happened” by at just the right moment. It’s amazing how God orchestrates these things. So glad to hear she’s doing well. Thank you for your prayers!

Judy DeVries says August 10, 2018

I’m in tears from reading this Robin. Thanks for sharing. During the time, as a mother, I felt for you having two children going through medical situations in two different states. God is good. Whether things turn out good or bad..He’s still good. says August 11, 2018

    That is so true. We were fortunate that the Lord spared our children, but for my friend’s family who are now grieving her death, He is still good.

Jo-Ann Toth says August 10, 2018

Robin I’m glad to hear that all 3 children are healing well. Jehovah seems to watch over us in ways that we least of all expect. I hope that Lexis surgery goes well and that this one works out. May Jehovah watch over you. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Jo-Ann. He has certainly watched over us this summer.

Kay says August 10, 2018

Thank you Jesus for Your protection of Robin’s loved ones. And thank you Robin for your diligence to my manuscript through it all. says August 11, 2018

    My pleasure, Kay. It was a nice, entertaining distraction!

Laura says August 10, 2018

My youngest son had an accident over one year ago. It is a phone call I’ll not soon forget, even though there were no injuries. Reading about this all has my insides tightly knotted at the moment! So thankful for the mercies we receive daily from our God, some of which we never know about. says August 11, 2018

    That’s exactly right! How many tragedies are averted because God was there? I’ve thought of that a lot recently. Whether the accident happens or is thwarted, He is good all the time.

Tani Ayotte says August 10, 2018

Praise God Robin!! Blessed that your family is safe… God works in mysterious ways… 🙏🏻💕❤️
Praying for a healthy recovery to your family 💕❤️🤗

Thank you for sharing the entire story and I will continue to pray . says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Tani, for your prayers!

Barbara Raymond says August 10, 2018

Oh my. Thanking God with you for all the miracles and the young people will all be okay. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Barbara!

Gwendolyn Duhart says August 10, 2018

Thank You Lord for Your providence and protection. I am so full and so overwhelmed, but so grateful with you, while reading this, that the hand of God was so present throughout this entire ordeal. Praise God for His sovereignty. You and your family are in my continued prayers. #ThankYouJesus says August 11, 2018

    Thank you so much, Gwendolyn, for your prayers.

Karen Douglas says August 10, 2018

What an amazing testimony of the grace and love of God. I can’t imagine what your family went through and continues to walk through. Will be praying for all of you, especially the kids healing. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good. says August 11, 2018

    He is good indeed, Karen. And He hears the prayers of the saints. Thank you for being one of those and lifting your prayers on our behalf.

Kelly Norman says August 10, 2018

Robin, I am so thankful everyone’s going to be ok! Sending up thankful prayers for you and your family!!💖 says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Kelly! I appreciate those prayers of thanksgiving. He deserves every one.

Katie Howard says August 10, 2018

How terrifying! They are so lucky! Healing thoughts to you all! says August 11, 2018

    We were all so blessed, indeed. Thank you, Katie.

Mary Hamilton says August 10, 2018

Oh my, Robin. I am in tears reading this. Praying for your family’s recovery from all injuries and for your nephew’s recovery as well. God is good especially in trying circumstances! God bless you and your family. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you so much, Mary, for your prayers. He is so good.

Christine Battaglio says August 10, 2018

You have had so many crises but God has brought you through. Praise God who is always there especially when bad things happen and even if the situation doesn’t end up being good. God is still good. says August 11, 2018

    That’s right, Christine. God is good even when the circumstances are not.

Cindy says August 10, 2018

Robin, you once edited a story for me in which I described being with my son who’d just had major surgery, then re4ceiving a call that another son was in an ambulance on his way to a different hospital 3 hours away. It was one of the worst moments of my life, and yet your experience was so much more horrendous. I can’t imagine and yet I can. Can I confess that I may have prayed more for you than for the kids? The mama always hurts the worst. Still praying for you all. says August 11, 2018

    Cindy, I felt those prayers, I can tell you. Because there’s no way I could possibly handle what happened, and yet, I did. Thank you for that. And I remember your story, though it’s a bit muddled by the years. Seems like it’s been a while, so I don’t remember much else.

    Thank you for your continued prayers. That means so much to me.

Donna Draper says August 10, 2018

Robin, what an amazing and terrifying story. As a mother I had tears in my eyes reading this. We do serve an awesome God. His provision, care, mercy and grace are abundant and ever present. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Will keep your family is my prayers. says August 11, 2018

    We do serve an awesome God, Donna! You’re exactly right. Thank you so much for your kind words and your prayers.

Teresa Collins says August 10, 2018

Robin, I’m so grateful that your injured children were so well protected by God’s grace and in this PC atmosphere to see you giving God all the glory and credit He is due is so encouraging. I was not aware of your family’s issues before I saw your blog post, but I will be praying for their continued, uncomplicated recovery. And once all of that is done; and things have begun to resemble normal, seek a moment off alone and fall apart in your Daddy’s arms. I think you’ve earned it!!!!! says August 11, 2018

    Thank you for your kind words, Teresa. Falling apart… that sounds good. For a while, it felt like all I could do to hold body and soul together. Thank you so much for your prayers.

Marylin Furumasu says August 10, 2018

Robin, What a testimony!
I’m amazed and in awe of the way God had His hands on your children!
I’m also amazed by how you have viewed what could have been overwhelming fear and hopelessness, into undeniable trust and hope in God’s healing care and protection.
There were so many miracles which took placed! WOW!
Take care now and rest in His everlasting arms! says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Marylin. I love those everlasting arms of Jesus. They are long, strong arms indeed.

Paulette Beal says August 10, 2018

God is gracious and faithful. You will most likely never meet those readers who prayed for your children and nephew, but what a blessing that you have all of us that are unknown.
God was with your family and provided strangers, first responders and doctors that were needed. Continued prayers. says August 11, 2018

    Paulette, that’s such a good point. This has been such a lesson in grace, in receiving kindness, favor that we don’t deserve, not just for the Lord but from people whom we’d never even met! The strangers who stopped on the road, the amazing hospital staff, the paramedics and helicopter pilots, and the scores and scores of people who prayed for the kids. It’s a debt I can never repay, but then, isn’t that what grace is all about? May we be able to pay forward a fraction of what has been given to us.

Paula Foulsham says August 10, 2018

Our God is an awesome God, we had a similar experience many years ago, He provides helpful passers by, fantastic medical teams even angels when we need them xx says August 11, 2018

    Oh, Paula, it’s a humbling and amazing experience. I’m so glad God provided people to help you like he did for us. He is so good!

Rodney Fouts says August 10, 2018

Truly a picture of God’s grace…
I rejoice with you! says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Rodney. We appreciate all the prayers from our church family.

Jean Hanson says August 10, 2018

Thank you for sharing. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. and all the civilian and medical people doing God’s work…… caring for HIS children. says August 11, 2018

    Yes, Jean. There are so many folks out there thanklessly caring for the sick and wounded, all His children. Well said.

Deb Jones says August 10, 2018

Praise God!! He is good. His mercies endure forever. says August 11, 2018


Elva Cobb Martin says August 10, 2018

Oh, thank God, for your children’s lives being spared! We pray and believe for their full recovery in Jesus’ mighty name. Elva Cobb Martin, VP ACFW-SC Chapter, Anderson, SC says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Elva!

Arlene Weston says August 10, 2018

I am so sorry all of this happened for you and your family but isn’t it amazing what our God can do in emergencies. Praise God. says August 11, 2018

    Indeed. I believe God is going to turn all these experiences to good for all of us who went through them.

Rebekah Benne says August 10, 2018

Praise God for how He was in the midst of all of this and still is!! I’m praying for all of the children to have full recovery and healing from all pain. Thank you for sharing your story. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Rebekah. I so appreciate your prayers.

Wendy says August 10, 2018

Wow! You have been through a rough time. I hope your son, daughter, and nephew are completely well soon. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Wendy!

Peggy Coppolo says August 10, 2018

Amen and amen! We serve an awesome God. Even though we don’t understand why bad things happen, we can find peace that God is there in the situation. As you said God did not cause the issues but he was there to keep them from being worse and offering His love and peace through others. May God continue to bless you and pour out His love and peace in the long days ahead as the kids continue healing. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Peggy, for your kind words and blessing.

Dawn Heisler says August 10, 2018

prayers and hope being sent to you and your family says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Dawn!

Melissa Henderson says August 11, 2018

A powerful message! Thank you for sharing. I’ve been praying for your whole family. God bless you all. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you so much for your prayers, Melissa!

Mary Huckabay says August 11, 2018

I am sorry you have had so much thrust upon you all. We do serve an amazing awesome God. My prayers are with all of you. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Mary!

Mattie Henderson says August 11, 2018

God is so good! Thank you for sharing this incredible story of God’s mercy. I’m so thankful that everyone is healing and doing much better. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Mattie. God’s mercy endures forever!

Vickie Jameson says August 11, 2018

Oh, my! Thanking the Lord for His provision and protection of your kiddos. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Vickie!

Joan DeLeon says August 11, 2018

Thank you for sharing, so glad that your family was saved by the grace of Jesus! I had a fall down a very long set of basement stairs when a kind neighbor was giving a fridge to us. Me and my husband forgot to measure doorway…got to top and he had to remove door…I’m on the bottom holding(proping) ( right when I said this isn’t good inside), when the door came off it struck the dolly and I felt it jerk and I knew couldn’t hold it. So I turned to run praying dear Jesus don’t let this fridge crush me….I heard it coming after me I felt like Indiana Jones when he was running from that huge boulder! Well I got hard on concrete my wrist took a blow(just severely bruised) but I broke my heel…In the er
the dr. said of all the bones to break this isn’t the one you want to break…Thank you dr.!!! Thru a lot of therapy im walking again . I thank the Lord I’m still here. I’m very happy for you and your family…thanks for sharing. God bless you. says August 11, 2018

    Wow, Joan, what a story. I can picture that scene. (And it definitely brings to mind Indiana Jones!) Praise the Lord you weren’t crushed! I’m sorry you broke a bone, but it sounds like it could have been much worse. So glad to hear you’re walking again. Scary! But God is so good.

Rose Burnett says August 11, 2018

Robin, Thank you for sharing your family ‘s recent tragedies. I am happy that everyone survived and hopefully they will continue to improve. I know you have been having a terrible amount of

God surely must have been with Lexi, Jacob, and Joshua during their accidents. Having people who were trained in trauma care help them immediately was absolutely wonderful.

I will add your family to my daily prayer list. I know that your friends and relatives are doing
a good job of helping you during this trying time.

May God bless you all,

Rose Burnett says August 11, 2018

    Thank you so much for your prayers, Rose. God was truly with us through it all.

Barb says August 11, 2018

Tears are streaming down my face as I type this. You never know when your next breath will be your last. You never know when a loved one won’t be there any more.
I can’t find the words to express how I feel. Thank the Lord that the kids all survived and are on the road to recovery.
Prayers and love, to you and your family. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Barb. You’re right. We never know which breath will be our last. Blessings!

Cyndi Wannamaker says August 11, 2018

Robin, all I can think to say is Praise God for His endless mercy and grace. Stay strong my precious friend , hold on to the arms of your friends and family that reach out to you and gain strength from them. My son too was in an accident but I’m afraid I lost mine , but I am so thankful I know I will see him again one day. I don’t understand how God decides who will live and who won’t, I still don’t understand why my son would have to leave his young wife and 2 small children, but I know that God knows what He is doing and someday I will have an answer lol but at that time will it matter. Hold on to your precious babies and know that God has a purpose for their lives. An awesome miracle of our Lord and Saviour! says August 11, 2018

    Oh, Cyndi. I’m so sorry about your son. It feels almost as if God is fickle, the seemingly randomness of life and death. I guess we have to trust that He always has a reason, even if we, in our humanness and with our limited knowledge, will not understand this side of heaven. As difficult as these weeks have been, we still have our children. What we went through will never come close to what you’ve suffered. But God is still good, and I thank you so much for rejoicing with us. Your are a beautiful picture of a faithful woman. God bless you.

Jeanie Womack says August 11, 2018

Thank you, Heavenly Father. Isn’t He so amazing, watching over our children, planning ahead for their wellbeing, before we even know to ask?! Our prayers will be with your families, as you trust through the aftermath of both accidents and encourage the three recoverees! “I know the plans I have for you, to prosper and not to harm you, to give you hope…and a future.” Jerm 29:12
We’ll also lift you all up as God gives his peace to your hearts.

P.S. You’re one of my favorite authors. I’d never noticed your hometown. I went to middle and high school there; what a great group of people live there and make it a wonderful place to be. I know the Lord is aware of all your needs and has great plans for you. says August 11, 2018

    Hi, Jeanie. Thank you for your kind words about the accidents and my books. You’re right–God was watching over my kids while I was completely unaware of what was going on.

    So… which hometown? I live in Edmond, OK, but I grew up in Londonderry, NH. I just wondered which one you were referring to. 🙂

Scott says August 11, 2018

It is easy to be a Christian when the weather is fair, but it is only in the midst of a storm where true faith is revealed and refined.

Robin, you are a testament to that. God bless you and your family. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you. You’re right that it’s easier to believe when life is good. On the other hand, only in adversity do we get to learn how wonderful, how truly amazing, our God is. Blessings to you!

Claudia Castenir says August 11, 2018

Praise God for all He has done in your family’s lives. Thank you for making it a testimony of faith for others who are experiencing tough times, and to remind each of us as to how precious life is, and to live it fully connected with those we love. God bless. says August 11, 2018

    Kind words, Claudia. God bless you!

Robin Knowles says August 11, 2018

God is so good. Thanks for him supplying all those good people and those firms who helped out. You have a great list of thanks amongst them. Let us pray that the youngsters are all recovered soon. God Bless. says August 11, 2018

    Indeed, we were blessed by so many different people and organizations. Thank you for your prayers. God bless!

Joan says August 11, 2018

How amazing is our God.He works in ways we can not see to take care of his children.l will be praying for their speedy recovery. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you so much for your prayers, Joan. God bless!

Connie Alderson says August 11, 2018

What an amazing God we serve! He provided in your time of need. 💖. I pray your children continue to heal quickly under God’s ever watchful eyes. says August 11, 2018

    Thank you, Connie. God bless you!

Phyllis M Scott says August 11, 2018

I think you have said it most perfectly “Thank God”! In everything you and your family went thru He was right there with you. says August 11, 2018

    Amen, amen, Phyllis. He proved Himself most faithful to us.

Laraine Hall says August 11, 2018

All I can say is how Great is our God! says August 12, 2018

    Amen, Laraine. How great indeed!

Gale says August 12, 2018

Thank you for your testimony. It did strenghten my confidenc in a God who is indeed merciful and mighty to save. May He continue to strengthen and heal your family both physically, emotionally and spiritually. says August 12, 2018

    Thank you, Gale. I trust He will indeed continue to give us everything we need. God bless!

Venette says August 12, 2018

Praise God for the support you and your family where given and praise Him for the outcome that could have been so much worse.
You and your family will be in my prayers. says August 12, 2018

    Thank you, Venette. I appreciate that.

Nancy Wagner says August 12, 2018

I am continuing to pray for you and your family. I love your pespective. I went through a similar situation and our motto was we were going to be better not bitter. There was so many miracles throughout, and more then that there was so many provisions leading up to our incident that God was taking care of us and preparing us for what would go on. And all the miracles and help from our church family afterwards. God is so amazing through all things, we are so fortunate to have Him. Praise God all is well and getting better every day, and I will continue to pray for you and your family. says August 12, 2018

    “Better, not bitter.” That’s good. I’m thankful for the ways the Lord brought you through your trials. He is so good. Thank you for your kind words and your prayers.

Peggy says August 13, 2018

Thank God for His grace and mercy! I pray all three youngsters will heal completely with no lasting effects. As a mother I can guess some of the anguish you and your husband went through while waiting to hear the extent of Jacob’s injuries. May our Father walk with you through the months of healing ahead. says August 15, 2018

    Thank you so much for your prayers and your kind words, Peggy.

Nancy Alexander says August 14, 2018

God saved them all from death & you & your husband from any more sorrow. Prayers are wonderful , thankful for God’s Blessings. says August 15, 2018

    He did indeed save them both. Thank you for your kind words, Nancy.

Glenda says August 15, 2018

Hugs and prayers! I can’t tell you how much your words touched Metz Four of my five children have been in major, life altering accidents involving automobile accidents that were not there fault. Four times in the past ten months I have answered the phone to hear the words “Mom, don’t freak out but …” followed by the sounds of AirLife landing in the background. All I can say is our God is good!

I pray your family continues to heal. Thank you for sharing your story. says August 15, 2018

    Oh, heavens, Glenda. Four times? I cannot imagine. It’s amazing what you deal with when you have no other choice, isn’t it? It sounds like, if your kids were able to call you, they must be doing all right. God is so good. You and I are truly blessed.

Debbie Corum says August 15, 2018

What a shock! So glad our God is Very Present in our time of need! I’ll be praying for you and your family. Blessings! says August 16, 2018

    Thank you for your prayers, Debbie!

Janet Ferguson says August 16, 2018

You’ve been through so much, and still are offering praise. Your example to me and others shines a light for Christ. Praying for your family and the journey to recovery which I’m sure is still ongoing. says August 16, 2018

    Thank you for your kind words and prayers, Janet.

TERESSA ARMSTRONG says September 12, 2018

Wow! Amazing the angels God sends when they are needed. To place those angels on a not well-traveled road just when they were needed is indeed a miracle only God could ordain. Thank you for sharing your story. I will pray for your family’s healing. says September 12, 2018

    Thank you so much, Teressa. I appreciate those prayers.

Jennifer Cary says September 12, 2018

Your children are truly blessed to have an Angel watching over each of them! And now they can recoupertate together with you amd your husband nearby to aid there recovery in any way God asks you too. 🌹 says September 13, 2018

    Very true, Jennifer. We all feel blessed nowadays.

Sidney says September 19, 2018

I was tearing up reading this and I don’t even know you. What a terrifying experience. I will pray for you and your family. What a real miracle. God is good. says September 19, 2018

    Thank you, Sidney, for the prayers. God is so good. Jacob is cast-free and moving around much better. Lexi gets her cast off tomorrow, so everybody’s on the mend. It was a terrifying experience, one we’ll never forget.

judy says October 4, 2018

I am sorry for your ordeal and thankful you have had so many positives.
I read what you said about the firewood about the jack and it brought the horror back to me.
my brother was working in n Dakota. and up there in the winter you have to travel with lots of things because of the extreme low temps. up there the houses set way back off the road. there’s a large drainage ditch beside the highway and each drive going back towards the house there’s an embankment type built up over the top of the drainage ditch.
one night late he was heading back to his trailer after work. the wheel dropped off the shoulder and sent him down toward the ditch. following the tracks you could see where he had gotten it back under control to going straight just before hitting the driveway embankment. which sent it end over end. he wasn’t in a small vehicle but a Chevy Tahoe SUV which back then were large vehicles. But he had ignored my dad. dad had visited him months before and told him that he needed to fasten down the things he was carrying in the back. the heavy tools the concrete blocks for extra weight for snowy icy roads. he even suggested a barrier behind the passenger seats. it was one of the concrete blocks flying over the seats that killed him. he wasn’t a young boy who thought he knew more than his old man. he was grown married and had a son in middle school. it was just the it could never happen to me. mixed with dad just worrying too much. dad worked for many years as a damage adjuster and after that as a claims adjuster. he had seen more than the average dad. knew what could happen. And before that he was a wrecker driver. so he knew how real the possibilities were. especially on unforgiving roads. but i was the one on that long drive from ky to NDakota who had to be there for a father that was grieving for an only son his first born. And who was quiet and solemn. until we saw the vehicle. until he looked inside. And he broke down totally and completely. I am not sure when before or after if I ever felt as totally helpless as I did right then..
even when we went to the airport later to meet his wife. because you could almost hear dads thoughts… why oh why my son did you not listen to me.
the help he received was to have the majority of his tools stolen from whoever came up or by the wrecker driver or sheriff. there were several unanswered questions things that didn’t add up. and my sister in law swears that his vehicle was tampered with that caused it to go out of control to begin with. even more so when so much was stolen from him. he was there working because the copper mines closed in Arizona and he couldn’t find more work. he was getting desperate to find work to support his family so when his friend had heard about the work up there he went with him. And it seems the locals had a problem with outsiders. sure the tools were expensive but what hurt was because his son wanted to have his dad’s tools. dad says he thinks the sheriff was in on it. they had their reasons. dad dealt with loads of law enforcement officers and all types of people even true life moonshiners. so if he had a reason to suspect him you can be sure it was a solid one.
the thing is from your story which turned out so different than mine is people need to be careful of what they are carrying inside the vehicles with them. the cars with fold down back seats and the SUV. cars with trunks are becoming rare. people using them as work vehicles carry equipment and all of us in bad winter conditions carry blocks or cat litter. invest in the barriers. use heavy chains and chain stuff down. keep in mind as you load things into a vehicle that it can be a deadly projectile with speed and force behind it when a vehicle is turning on itself. and depending on speed and land conditions around the vehicle it can over turn many many times.
it’s also something to consider when traveling with pets. on the outside chance that you are involved in an accident. your pet needs to be restrained. a special car seat for small ones or pet carrier. the special seatbelts for larger ones. And I cringe every time I see dogs loose in the back of a truck on the interstate. in an accident odds of it or them surviving are rare. and no dog is 100percent. you never know when they might see another dog or animal and take a flying leap outside the truck. the fact that it’s moving at a high speed doesn’t mean anything to them. or even sitting still. I saw a dog jump from the back of a truck on the city bypass at a light and run straight into the path of a semi. I was 12 or 14 at the time and woke up screaming for weeks.
if people will listen and learn then maybe it can prevent heartache for loved ones. says October 4, 2018

    Oh, my word. Judy, what a horrific story. I’m so, so sorry about your brother. I lost my brother four years ago, so I know the pain you’re dealing with. And in such a senseless accident, too. It’s so easy to think of those if-onlys–if only he had listened to your father and secured the items in the back. If only you’d gotten the answers about the accident you all craved. If only the tools had been spared so they could be passed on to your nephew. My heart breaks for you.

    You’re absolutely right about the things people throw in their cars being deadly. My mother has a friend who was in what should have been a harmless fender-bender. She rear-ended the car in front of her. Unfortunately, the man in front of her had stacks of film reel in his back seat. One of those reels flew forward and sliced his neck. The man died instantly–in a fender-bender! People just don’t understand the danger.

    Our kids were blessed. I can almost picture God’s hands between the backseat and their heads–though we do believe Joshua, my nephew–was hit with one of the logs. Still, it could have been so much worse. We were blessed that day.

    I wish I understood how come God protected our boys that day but didn’t see fit to protect your brother. I wish I could understand how my brother got an infection 6 days after his wedding that, just 18 days after that, caused his death. It seems so random, doesn’t it? So senseless. But God has a plan. Just because we can’t see it and don’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s not there and it’s not good. God has a plan, and it is good. And life is hard, and heaven is real, and one day, we’ll embrace our loved ones again and rejoice forevermore.

    In my depth of grief after JD died, that’s what I held onto–that knowledge that I would see him again. When a dear friend passed away this summer, I clung to the hope of the resurrection. What else can we do but trust God and keep going? And eventually, God brings joy again, and we go on.

    Love you, my friend. Thank you for sharing your story with me. Be blessed.

Bethany R. says December 3, 2018

What an incredible testimony of God’s goodness in the face of such hardship! says December 3, 2018

    Indeed, Bethany. He has been so good to us.

Heidi says January 22, 2019

Wow this is inspirational. God is amazing! says January 22, 2019

    He truly is, Heidi. Thanks.

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