Speaking – Robin Patchen

Writing the Emotional Roller Coaster

Explore the three ways to add emotion to your manuscript and when it is appropriate to use each and discover how to use the emotional wheel to bring more depth to your manuscripts and pull your readers onto an emotional roller coaster that will leave them breathless

Small Edits, Big Impact

Learn how to use rhetorical devices and other simple tricks to improve the emotional impact of your prose. Each device will have examples from speeches, literature, and movies to illustrate how they can be used in all kinds of writing.

Writing When Life Gets in the Way

Do you often set your writing aside to make room for urgent projects? Do you find it difficult to write when life has been physically challenging or emotionally draining? Learn to meet your writing deadlines—external and self-imposed—despite the distractions, difficulties, and disasters that come your way. 

Bringing Beauty into Language

Twenty-minute Ted-style speech on the power of simplicity, cadence, and repetition in language and how these tricks add impact, quotability, and believability to your writing.

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