Recharging my Inspirational Batteries – Robin Patchen

Recharging my Inspirational Batteries

I'm blessed to be blogging over at Ink from an Earthen Vessel today about recharging my emotional batteries. Here's an excerpt:


I went for a walk this afternoon. Not the kind of thing I generally do these days. Too busy, don’t you know, writing and editing and marketing my latest release. Not to mention taking care of my teenagers, my husband, and my house. Not time for nonsense like dropping everything in the middle of a workday to wander alone in the park.

But I learned something recently, and as I slogged through this afternoon, it came back to me.

I had the privilege of hearing Allen Arnold speak at the Mt. Hermon Christian Writers Conference in March. He taught on how to write not for God, but with Him.


Read the rest over at Ink from an Earthen Vessel.