Don't fall victim to the 12 fatal flaws of fiction writing
"Filled to the hilt with essential tools you need to write clearly and effectively and, overall, become a better fiction writer."
"Filled to the hilt with essential tools you need to write clearly and effectively and, overall, become a better fiction writer."
Announcing a new writing craft book that every fiction writer needs!
Why this book?
Because fiction writers often struggle with improving their craft.
And the biggest challenge comes from the inability at times to see what isn’t working. The prose feels off. The scene just isn’t gelling. The dialogue sounds stilted or clunky. But they don’t know why or how to fix it.
What helps writers most is to read passages that demonstrate flawed writ-ing, then be shown revisions that target specific flaws and offer clear, effective solutions.
No other writing craft book offers in-depth instruction on how to spot and remedy the major flaws of fiction writing. Here’s what makes The 12 Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing an important addition to a writer’s bookshelf:
More than 60 Before and After passages showcase each of the twelve fa-tal flaws, which are examined in depth to help writers spot these flaws in their own writing and fix them.
Five editors with extensive background in both editing fiction and writ-ing novels bring a variety of insights, examples, and solutions to these flaws, using various genre styles and POVs.
Each chapter ends with a checklist to help writers seek and destroy these fatal flaws in their manuscript, followed by bonus Before and After passages to help them test what they’ve learned.
This comprehensive (100,000 words) guide to self-editing provides an invaluable resource for any fiction writer of any genre. It shows, not just tells, how to write better fiction. Part of The Writer’s Toolbox Series by Ubiquitous Press.