Blog – Page 7 – Robin Patchen

Amanda (And Mark’s) Boston Marathon Granola

Did you know the Boston Marathon is the world’s oldest annual marathon? Mark’s dad always took him when he was a kid, and when he and Amanda moved to the Boston area, he made it an annual outing for the Johnson family. A few years ago, Amanda made granola for the first time, hoping to […]


Spinach and Strawberry Salad

Warmer temperatures, blooming tulips, and fresh strawberries. It must be spring. With its perfect combination of sweet and tart, this is one of my all-time favorite salad recipes. Couple it with grilled seafood, or just toss some grilled chicken in there to make it a meal. I hope you enjoy it.       Ingredients: […]


What’s in a Word?

I’m guest blogging at 10 Minute Novelists today. Not sure why the repeat of that phrase, “what’s in a…” from yesterday, but it is an entirely different post. We’re celebrating National Poetry Month, so this is all about the power of a single word in a novel–or in your speech, for that matter. Here’s an […]


What’s in a name?

Have you ever researched the meaning of your name? I did, and it led to a blog post I wrote on Quid Pro Quills today. Here’s an excerpt. Juliet asked that question first. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet.”  I often wonder if […]


Do your thing, God

I’m blogging at Quid Pro Quills today about how, as a fiction author, I put my characters in terrible messes without worrying, because I know how it’s going to turn out. But when I live my life, it’s so hard to trust the Author of life to work it all out. Here’s an excerpt:   […]


Finding Amanda

Announcing the release of my third book, Finding Amanda.   Chef Amanda Johnson hopes publishing her memoir will bring her healing and justice. Instead, the psychiatrist who seduced her when she was a teenager returns to silence her.   Amanda’s estranged husband, former soldier Mark Johnson, longs to protect her. She doesn’t think she needs […]

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